SONIC FUSION is a creative catalyst developing a vibrant ecosystem of artists where expression thrives
Sonic Fusion is an intrinsically queer, multi-faceted community/ platform/ initiative with a goal to challenge artistic boundaries and foster collaboration across diverse mediums in responsive spaces.
By creating inclusive spaces for experimentation and performance, Sonic Fusion nurtures an innovative ecosystem where queer and marginalized voices connect, create, and thrive together.
Aimed at supporting artists across various disciplines, the initiative will focus on three key areas:
Developing showcase opportunities for artists
Facilitating multi-faceted artistic collaborations
Expanding artists' creative capacities through digital storytelling
Through both online platforms and in-person events, Sonic Fusion intends to connect visual artists, musicians, and electronic artists with new audiences and each other. The goal is to create a supportive ecosystem that fosters innovative artistic expression and community building.
Learning through
impactful experiences
develop opportunities for artists to reach new audiences, both digitally and through performance opportunities
showcase the innovative and important voices within our artistic communities
Utilize digital content to enable artists and organizations to effectively engage with new audiences
we engage
[ digitally ] [ in person ]
building transformative relationships through
[ accessible content ] [ intentional experiences ]
forging ties
Craft immersive and transformative shared experiences that bring audiences and artists together through art
Facilitate global artistic dialogue and cultural exchange through performance, creating opportunities for artists from diverse backgrounds to share ideas, collaborate, and inspire one another across geographical and cultural boundaries
Built on a core belief that
[ the pulse of a vibrant dance floor ][ music as a means of protest ]
[ Reflection ][ Community ]
expanding possibilities
increasing the capacity of artists to create and perform in diverse settings and mediums through personal-narrative development and an audience-first digital strategy
Facilitate global artistic dialogue and cultural exchange through performance, creating opportunities for artists from diverse backgrounds to share ideas, collaborate, and inspire one another
a celebration of
[ Visual Art ] [ Composed Music ] [ Electronic Artistry ]
and the
[ Spaces ] [ Communities ]
in which they thrive
keep in touch